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The Sea Beast - Adventure Begins!

1.The Princess

Action·Thriller(Release Date:2022/7/1)

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Action Thriller

Bow to no one! Joey King stars as a young royal who is more comfortable with a sword than a tiara and must save her kingdom from ruthless mercenaries !

2.The Terminal List

Crime·Suspense·Thriller(Release Date:2022/7/1)

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Crime Suspense Thriller

Star-Lord becomes a Navy SEAL! The entire team was ambushed during a high-risk secret mission, and there was a shocking conspiracy behind the accident?

3.Boo, Bitch

Comedy·Romance·Youth(Release Date:2022/7/8)

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Comedy Romance Youth

An unknown female high school student suddenly turned into a ghost overnight? What crazy thing will she do to have some real fun in her high school life?

4.Black Bird

Crime·Suspense(Release Date:2022/7/8)

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Crime Suspense

A convicted man who’s been given an opportunity to earn his freedom in exchange for undergoing a dangerous secret mission. He must move to a prison for the criminally insane and befriend a serial killer?

5.The Sea Beast

Animated·Adventure·Comedy(Release Date:2022/7/8)

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Animated	Adventure Comedy

<Big Hero 6 >Director's newest animated film! A little girl sneaks aboard the legendary sea monster hunter's ship and embarks on an epic journey to adventure in uncharted waters!